Tonya Leverette teaches self-contained classes at Winona Secondary School. She is from Kilmichael, and is married to Ryan Leverette. “We met at Mississippi State University. We have been married for 15 years and we have three children. Our daughter Jalisa Outlaw is a Freshman at University of Central Arkansas. Jada Leverette is a Sophomore at Winona high school. Our son Rylan Leverette is in the Pre-K at Winona Elementary. I graduated from Mississippi State University with a degree in Teaching and Coaching. I worked in the Montgomery County School District for twelve years. I taught physical education, social studies and I coached basketball, track and field, softball, and cheerleading. Since the Montgomery County School District consolidated with Winona School District, I have been working at Winona High School for three years. Two years I was a special education inclusion teacher. I’m currently a self-contained special education teacher. I will have fifteen years in education at the end of this school year. I enjoy working with the students, and I love sports - especially basketball.”

Amelia Wiltshire teaches elementary self-contained at Winona Elementary School. "I am a follower of God and His Son Jesus, a wife and a mother of two, a bright and handsome stepson and the other is in Heaven. I began teaching in 1999 in Texas and have taught in Oklahoma and Mississippi. I obtained a Master Degree in Special Education and Educational Diagnostician/School Psychometry in 2004." She has taught middle school resource math, elementary self-contained classes for students with Autism and Intellectual disabilities, elementary inclusion, and has been an Educational Diagnostician/School Psychometrist. "I love children and I am blessed to have been a small part of hundreds of children’s lives over the years. When I have time, I enjoy crafting and building projects, landscaping, and modeling."

Jacqueline Clay has been working for WMCSD since January 2019. She also worked as an Assistant for Carroll County Schools from 2001-2006. She has two children - her daughter Courtney is 22 , and her son Cory is 19. She enjoys singing and listening to music, exploring things on the computer, and spending time with family and friends. "I enjoy helping my students become the best they can be. I also want to see my students become as independent as they can be."

There are still some spirit shirts, sweatshirts and jackets left to purchase. Contact deannalowery@winonaschools.net or leave a message at (662) 283-4129 if interested. Jackets are $30, sweatshirts are $20 and shirts are $15. Thanks for your support!

Lisa Branch graduated from Delta State University in 1981 and has been a Special Education Teacher for 36 years. She is married to Bruce Branch; Bruce is a farmer in the community and they attend First Baptist Church in Winona. Lisa retired from teaching in May 2017 and started working part-time for the Winona School District the fall of 2017. Bruce and Lisa have one daughter, Lacey Lovelace. Lacey has been teaching for 15 years. She taught at Winona Elementary for 10 years and the last five years at Amory Elementary School. She is married to Davis Lovelace and they have a beautiful two year old daughter name Lana Rose.
For the first couple of years of her part-time work, she had many different roles in the Special Education Office since there was also a part-time director then. The last couple of years she has been the transition coordinator working with both the district as well as the MS Department of Rehabilitation Services. Looking back on 40 years of services in the district, Mrs. Branch says, "My favorite part of this job is the teachers and the students.” Lisa was a self-contained teacher at Winona Elementary School for 15 years. One activity that she truly enjoyed was Special Olympics with elementary students. She also taught grades 7-12 at Winona Secondary School for 21 years. During the 21 years at the high school, she taught resource students, inclusion students and Mississippi Occupational diploma track students.
“My favorite part of teaching is to see an old student of mine being successful in the community! I have had some great students over the years! I love when they tell me that I was like a mother to them! To me that lets me know that I did the most important thing - I loved them! I am so thankful for my 41 years at Winona School District (I also did my student teaching at Winona Elementary School). I have been so blessed to be a part of this school district! Keep on loving our special students! YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!”
Check out the Spotlight feature on our website at https://www.winonamontgomerycsd.com

Presley Coleman has taught Special Education for 4 years. He enjoys sports and the outdoors. His hobbies include: hunting, fishing, playing piano, and coaching basketball. His favorite thing about teaching is helping his students succeed. He enjoys WSS because they are such a great group of people to work with.
Check out the Spotlight feature on our website at https://www.winonamontgomerycsd.com

Josh Davis has been teaching for 16 years. He has been an English teacher, a GED preparatory teacher, a physical education teacher, and a special education teacher. He has taught in the West Point School District, the Webster County School District at Eupora High School and Eupora Elementary School, Kilmichael High School, and is currently the 10th grade inclusion teacher at Winona Secondary School. He is also a bus driver for WMCSD. He attended college at Mississippi College, Mississippi State University, East Mississippi Community College, and Arkansas State University (online). He holds a Bachelor's degree from Mississippi State University in Physical Education and has a Master's degree from Arkansas State University in Educational Leadership. He is happily married to Jeannie Davis and they have two beautiful 7 year old girls, Isabella and Lillian. His interests include spending time with his family, traveling, camping in the travel trailer they bought this summer, hunting, and spending time outdoors. His favorite thing about teaching is when he gets a student to finally understand something that they have been struggling with, and seeing the joy they experience when learning something new. "My favorite thing about working at Winona is having such friendly and helpful coworkers who make working here truly enjoyable."
Check out the Spotlight feature on our website at https://www.winonamontgomerycsd.com

Betsy Tompkins has been a speech-language pathologist at Winona for 20 years. Some of her favorite things are Tiger Football, Ole Miss football, and watching her children play sports. She has been married to Coach Joey Tompkins for 16 years. They have two children, Molly and Joe Reed, and two fur babies, Eli and Belle. Her hobbies include reading, playing tennis, and collecting McCarty pottery. Her favorite thing about working at Winona: “all of my family is in one place and are cheering for one team!!”

Rachel Sturdivant has been serving students with exceptional needs for 13 years. She has served as a teaching assistant, lead teacher, case manager and behavior specialist. She received her bachelor’s degree in Special Education from The University of Southern Mississippi. As she continued to teach, she attended William Carey University where she attained a master’s degree in Special Education and a Specialist’s degree in Instructional Leadership. She is currently attending Belhaven University were she is pursuing a doctorate in educational leadership.
She lives in Grenada and is married to Jason Sturdivant. They have one son, David Keith, who is in second grade at WES.
Check out the Spotlight feature on our website at https://www.winonamontgomerycsd.com

Heather Rodgers is a speech pathologist in her 23rd year at WES. She has one son, Gaines, who is 8 years old and in the 3rd grade. She loves reading, spending time with her family and friends, watching Ole Miss sports, napping, and shopping on Amazon. Her favorite thing about her job is getting to work with a variety of students and ages each day. "I never get bored. I love the children and getting to be a part of their lives. They have the funniest stories to tell. I love WES! I went to school here, and I love that my son gets to go here too."
Check out the Spotlight feature on our website at https://www.winonamontgomerycsd.com

TIGER FOOTBALL SCOREBOARD Tigers end the season 8-2!!! vs Kosciusko 49-39 W, vs JZ George 41-20 W ,vs Yazoo Co. 41-34 W ,vs Water Valley 36-14 W ,vs Madison Central 38-14 L, vs Humphrey's County 32-8 W, 1st round of playoffs--vs. Kossuth 48-33 W. 2nd round of playoffs vs. Senatobia--52-49 W, 3rd round--vs Amory 45-35 W, North-half vs. Noxubee County--50-7, L.
Congratulations on an amazing season!

Winona-Montgomery CSD School Resource Officer program is happy to welcome Officer Britt Goodin to our team to join Officer Burrell. Officer Goodin comes to Winona Elementary School from Mathiston, MS. He is a retiree of the Mississippi Highway Patrol after serving 24 years of faithful service. He is married to Tracy Goodin. He is the father of two children Conner and Jersie Claire. Officer Goodin joined the department on Monday, November 2. Please welcome Officer Goodin and extend a big TIGER welcome to him.

The Health Sciences class volunteered for Legacy Hospice while social distancing.

WMCSD has an opening for a Special Education Teacher. Apply through

Supporting Students Learning At Home
Parents of Hybrid and Virtual Students, check out this video for ways you can support your child at home.

SICK Tigers STAY Home
It is critical that students stay home when they are not feeling well or when they or anyone in the home has symptoms of COVID-19, is awaiting test results, or has tested positive. Parents should inform the child's school immediately when a child is tested and should keep the child home while waiting on test results. The district will communicate with parents when there is a group contact or close contact.
Thank you for helping us keep our students and employees safe. #ItsaGreatDaytobeaTIGER #LEADER

For Parents:

Protect yourself and others from getting sick! Remember to wash your hands and also a few other helpful tips to staying healthy are listed below.

We're thrilled to announce Winona-Montgomery Consolidated School District's new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, even emergency notifications! Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2N5AA51 or iPhone: https://apple.co/2ZSlaHu.