Rana Mitchell, Assistant Superintendent
Phone: (662) 283-3731
Fax: (662) 283-1003
2024-2025 Parent/Family Right To Know
WMCSD Homeless Liaison: Rana Mitchell
WES Homeless Point of Contact: Tina Buckley
WSS Homeless Point of Contact: Megan Brock
WMCSD Foster Care Liaison: Lori Sturdivant
WES Foster Care Point of Contact: Tina Buckley tinabuckley@winonaschools.net
WSS Foster Care Point of Contact: Kim Haley kimhaley@winonaschools.net
Parent and Family Engagement Plan 2024-2025
WSS Parent Involvement Plan
Federal Programs
The mission of the Office of Federal Programs (OFP) is to provide leadership in the effective use of federal funds so that all students are prepared to compete in the global community. OFP is designed to improve our support for each school district’s education initiatives by providing a common link with the capability of looking across all the programs to support districts in meeting their goals.