Please fill out our 5 question survey about parent engagement at WSS for next school year! You can scan the QR code or click the link below. Thanks in advance for your participation!
5 days ago, Megan Brock
WSS Survey
Have a happy and safe Spring Break!!!
6 days ago, Amanda Ferguson
Spring Break
Mrs. Amber Austin's Visions class held a Mardi Gras parade today at WES! All the students had a great time catching beads and listening to The Tiger Pride band play as the students displayed their floats!
7 days ago, Becky Dees
Mardi Gras Parade
Mardi Gras Parade
Mardi Gras Parade
Mardi Gras Parade
Mardi Gras Parade
Mardi Gras Parade
Mardi Gras Parade
Mardi Gras Parade
Mardi Gras Parade
Mardi Gras Parade
Stay safe, Tiger Nation!
9 days ago, Amanda Ferguson
Early Dismissal
Congratulations to the WSS Students and Teachers of the month for February! Your hard work and dedication is greatly appreciated! WHS Students of the Month for February Lavarius Cork, Principal Terry Peeples, Kevi Killough WJHS Students of the Month for February Larry McGlothin, Principal Terry Peeples, Samantha Johnson WSS Teachers of the Month for February Mrs. Regina Ballard, Principal Terry Peeples, Mrs. Holly Bridges
10 days ago, Becky Dees
Winona- Montgomery Consolidated School District is seeking your input on factors that impact student achievement. Please scan the QR code above to give us your input. We appreciate your time in helping us move from good to great! You may also select the link below to add your input.
10 days ago, Rana Mitchell
Congratulations to all the participants in the Beauty Revue tonight! Everyone was beautiful! WJHS Most Beautiful - Jayden Holifield, Most Handsome - Cody Goss, Beauties - Anbrea Miller, Hayden Lee, Taylor Greene WHS Most Beautiful - Lilian Jones, Beauties - Kaylee Shirley, Emma Vincent, Madison Henderson, Allie Johnson
11 days ago, Becky Dees
Beauty Revue
Beauty Revue
Beauty Revue
Beauty Revue
On Wednesday, February 26th, seven students from the Visions class at WES visited the Mississippi State Capitol. Students were able to tour the capitol building and watched as the House of Representatives was in session. Representative Karl Oliver spoke with the students and introduced them in the gallery. Pictured: Rep. Karl Oliver, DeKryson Glover, Jude Burton, Ruben Guzman, Amber Austin, Juliana Lee, Demi Mims, Lexie Burton, Ar'Janique Ward
13 days ago, Amber Austin
After Researching an approved topic, Dr. Jennifer Harrell's English IV students wrote, revised and edited informational essays by hand, typed final copies and created presentations to orally teach the class about their findings. Students presented their work this week.
14 days ago, Becky Dees
The WHS Super Scholars visited Belhaven University today!
15 days ago, Becky Dees
"You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book." Dr. Seuss
17 days ago, Amanda Ferguson
Dr. Seuss
Pauline Hall is the newest member of the Winona-Montgomery School District Board of Trustees. The district 4 representative was elected in 2024 and sworn in in January 2025. What most people do not know about Ms. Hall is that she is the 10th child of 12. Advice to students of WMSD? “Study hard to reach your goals in life and never try drugs they're very addictive.”
18 days ago, Amanda Ferguson
Hall spotlight
Chase DeNoon, the current board vice-president, has served on the Winona-Montgomery School District Board of Trustees since 2021. His favorite memory during his time as a member of the board is the Winona Tigers winning the state championship in football! Go Tigers! Something most people would not know about Mr. DeNoon is that he loves to cook. Advice to the students of WMSD? Figure out what you love ... orient your career and future around that. Be kind to others. Always be respectful to everyone!
19 days ago, Amanda Ferguson
WHS Senior Brycelyn Townsend shot a perfect score of 50 at the archery meet at Choctaw County yesterday! Great job, Brycelyn!
19 days ago, Becky Dees
Dr. Katherine W. Hughes has served as a member of the Winona-Montgomery School District’s Board of Trustees for four years, representing District 3. Her favorite memory during her service is recent, when the Winona-Montgomery School District earned the distinction as a high-performing school district! Something most people would not know about Dr. Hughes is that she has a strong passion for people and wants what is best for everyone. Advice to the students of WMSD? “My advice to the students at Winona Schools is to study hard and stay in school. Do what your parents and teachers instruct you to do. Education is very important. A good education will help to determine your future and impact you for years to come.”
20 days ago, Amanda Ferguson
Hughes spotlight
WES will hold a beauty and beau review for students. The entry fee is $30 per student. Forms will be due March 5, 2025. Payment must be submitted with form. The attire for the pageant will be “Sunday Best.” (no pageant dresses/tux) If you have any questions, please contact -
20 days ago, Amber Austin
Congratulations to WHS alumni Jordan Leech for being selected as Mr HCC and to Ja'kiyah Campbell for being chosen a campus favorite! We are so proud of you both!
20 days ago, Becky Dees
On Wednesday, Feb. 10th, Taylor Shurden signed her letter of intent to join the rodeo team at Northwest Community College! We are proud of you, Taylor, and can't wait to see all that you accomplish! Photo credits - Amy Coburn, Digital Media student
21 days ago, Becky Dees
Brandye Brannon, current Board of Trustees Secretary, has been serving on the board since 2019. While she has so many wonderful memories of serving on the board, she said, “I am so proud of how our little school is doing. I am excited to see our schools grow academically. Seeing the community come together to help cheer our boys to a state championship was also exciting.” Most people would not know that Mrs. Brannon never meets a stranger. Advice to the students of WMSD: “I encourage all TIGER students to keep working to achieve their dreams. It might not be easy, but anything is possible with a little hard work.”
22 days ago, Amanda Ferguson
Brandye Brannon
Nora Dunn, the current board president, is in her fifth year as a member of the Winona-Montgomery School District’s Board of Trustees. During her time serving the students of the district, she said her favorite memory is “seeing the smiles on the staff faces after being given a voice and choice in their students learning process/materials.” Something most people do not know about Ms. Dunn is that her long-term goal is to serve as a missionary in a foreign county. Advice to the students of WMSD? “Always believe in God and always believe because of ‘whose’ you are. You are capable of going far!”
23 days ago, Amanda Ferguson
Nora Dunn