Hear Us Roar! Don't forget to use the hashtag #hearusroar!
What a great start to the 2022-2023 school year! The Class of 2023 started the day early with the senior breakfast and parade. Students at Winona Elementary were greeted with positive messages on the sidewalk as they entered the building. This year's theme is The Power of Positivity!
Although we still have several areas under construction at WES, most of the building is ready for student use. Huge changes are happening in the library and in the student restrooms. We are down to 4th and 6th grade restrooms and finishing touches on the new construction restrooms on each end of the building.
Students at Winona Secondary started the day with meetings with the principals and teachers to set expectations for the new school year. Renovations are slated to begin soon at WSS which will include restrooms and classrooms. It is so good to see all of our new and returning students, teachers, and staff.
It's a Great day to be a Tiger!