Rana Mitchell, Assistant Superintendent/Director of Federal Programs
Lori Rachel Sturdivant, Exceptional Education Director
Tiffany Everett, Secretary
Phone: (662) 283-1018
Fax: (662) 283-1021
Exceptional Education
The Winona-Montgomery School District serves eligible students with disabilities ages 3-21. Eligibility categories include: Language/Speech, Developmentally Delayed, Specific Learning Disabilities, Intellectually Disabled, Autism, Orthopedically Impaired, Other Health Impaired, Hearing Impaired, Visually Impaired, Emotional Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injuries, and Multiple Disabilities. As required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, students with disabilities are served in their Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). The WMSD offers a wide spectrum of placement options based on individual student needs as determined by the IEP committee. This spectrum ranges from services in the general education classroom to more restrictive settings. Three graduation options are available to students with disabilities as they enter high school: 1) a traditional diploma earning Carnegie Units; 2) an Alternate Diploma; 3) a Certificate of Completion based on the IEP of the individual student.