It’s a Great Day to be a Tiger!
The Winona Career and Technical Center hosted their annual Fall Advisory Meeting on Thursday of last week. We had a great turnout with 34 participants, including both business & industry representatives as well as parents and students. This meeting allows WCTC teachers and students to meet with industry professionals to discuss what is needed to create a well-prepared workforce.
Come join us for the WES PTO Fall Festival on Saturday, November 12 from 5:00-8:00pm at the Montgomery County Coliseum. There will be fun for everyone with games, bounce houses, arts and crafts vendor, food vendors and more. Admission is $5.00, and the community is invited to attend.
Sick students stay home. Don’t forget that we need students at school every day for attendance tied to funding; however, we do want students who are sick to stay home. WMCSD Nurses Felisha Pitt and Skyla McIntyre urge parents to keep your child at home if he/she has a temperature higher than 100.0, runny nose, sneezing, cough, body aches, and/or vomiting or diarrhea. Students should stay home until the doctor says they can return or until they are fever-free without medication for 24 hours. While at school, students and staff should wash their hands often with soap and water, avoid touching their face, and cover their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.
Congratulations to the Winona Secondary Cross Country team on winning their Regional Championship. This made the team eligible for participation in the State Championship. We would like to congratulate Coach Chris McRae and the Tiger Cross Country team on a stellar season.
Your Winona Tigers Football Team beat Nettleton Friday night at home in the first round of playoff action. We need to pack the stands this Friday as the Tigers take on the Blue Devils of Water Valley at 7:00pm at Tiger Stadium. Tickets can be purchased on the GoFan app or at the gate. The cost will be $8.00.
High School Basketball will be in action this week on Thursday at Home versus Ethel High School and next Tuesday, Nov. 15th at Calhoun City. The Junior High teams will play at French Camp on Thursday beginning at 4:00. Boys soccer tryouts were held last week and both they as well as the girls team look forward to beginning their season on November 28 with a game at Yazoo County.
Don’t forget to complete the BrightBytes Survey(s) that pertain to your child. The information gathered from these surveys will help us plan for future purchases in technology.
Here’s a friendly reminder, staff and students will enjoy Thanksgiving Holidays from November 21 - 25 and return to school on Monday, November 28th.
Looking ahead, Christmas Holidays will begin on Wednesday, December 21st and go through Tuesday, January 3rd. Faculty and staff will return on Wednesday, January 4th for Professional Development and students will return on Thursday, January 5th. This is a little different than past years so make a note.
The next regular meeting of the WMCSD Board is December 13, 2022, at 6:00pm at the Superintendent’s Office.
The Power of Positivity is evident in WMCSD!