Tiger with mouth open

It’s a Great Day to be a TIGER! 

Academic Programming Students at Winona Elementary will be taking state assessments next week.  Parents can help students be successful by making sure children get a good night’s sleep, get to school on time, and eat a healthy breakfast whether they eat at home or at school.  Community members and friends can help by sharing words of encouragement with students throughout the week.

WSS junior high and high school students will begin taking subject area tests starting on April 29th. Students at Winona Career and Technical Center have been testing for their state assessments and/or national certifications. We can support the secondary students by making sure they get plenty of rest, eat healthy foods, get to school on time, and by sending them words of encouragement.

Students are encouraged to talk with their parents concerning course selections before their final selection request is completed. After parents have signed those curriculum selection sheets, they need to be returned to the school as soon as possible. We want to have all of our students in their requested classes, but if the form is not signed by a parent or guardian or not turned in at all, students will be placed in courses as necessary to meet graduation requirements. Please contact the high school office or email donnabishop@winonaschools.net should you have any questions about the curriculum request process. 

Operations The window project at Winona Secondary and the installation of the HVAC system at Knox Gym are on track to be completed in the next couple of weeks.

The WSS Tiger Tennis Team have advanced to the second round of playoffs. Congratulations to all tennis players and Coach Lance VanHorn. Both Softball and Baseball are district champions and will host the first round of playoffs in the upcoming weeks.

Family and Community Support We have had no students or employees quarantined for the last two weeks.  Thank you for your continued support and efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our schools and communities.

Health and Safety

Free sports physicals for Winona Secondary student athletes will be on Thursday, April 22nd.  Please be sure to ask your child about the paperwork that will be sent home next Monday, April 19th.  All paperwork must be completed and signed prior to the day of the sports physical.  

Communications The WMCSD website is www.winonamontgomerycsd.com.  Our Facebook page is Winona-Montgomery Consolidated School District, and the email hotline is tigertalk@winonaschools.net.  We are here to answer your questions.  The next regular meeting of the WMCSD Board of Trustees will be Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 6:00pm in Wolfe Lab at Winona Secondary School.

Technology/Learning Management Systems Elementary students will be using Chromebooks to complete state assessments.  Technology Director/Systems Manager Wesley King is requesting quotes to completely revamp our technology infrastructure.  This will be a wise investment of the district’s ESSER funding.

Planning for the 2021-2022 School Year WMCSD would like to congratulate the following employees on their retirement and sincerely thank them for their respective years of service to students:  Lance VanHorn (31 years), Renaee Pearson (29 years), Peggy Jackson (28 years), Charlie Parkerson (28 years), Kim Rice (27 years), Caroline Caldwell (24 years), and Karen Rodgers (24 years).

We are excited to announce the following hires and/or promotions for next school year. Rana Mitchell will add the role of Federal Programs Director to her current duties as the Special Education Director, and her title will be Assistant Superintendent. Veronica Helms will lead the Winona Career and Technical Center and athletics as she takes over the role of Director for each. Nikita Jones-Smith will move from Assistant Principal at Winona Elementary to Curriculum Director/Data Specialist for the district. Mr. Jeff Davis who has served as Transportation Technician will be promoted to Transportation Director.

If you are interested in employment with WMCSD, please check our website for vacancy announcements and apply for any position for which you are qualified and/or licensed. All positions are posted in our online application program at 

https://www.applitrack.com/winonaschools/onlineapp/.  If you have any questions, please call the Superintendent’s Office at (662)283-3731.

Stay healthy and choose joy!