Tiger with mouth open

It’s a Great Day to be a TIGER! 

Academic Programming We are entering testing season. For those of you who may not know, schools give many state assessments. Our PreK and kindergarten students take a test called MKAS. Students in grades 3-8 take reading/language arts and math assessments. Students in grades 5 and 8 also take a science test. 

State Testing for grades 3-5 will take place during the week of April 19, 2021. Please make sure your student gets a good night’s sleep the night before the test. Also, it is important that your child arrives at school on time. 

High school students take subject area tests in Algebra I, Biology I, English II, and U.S. History plus the ACT. Students at the career and technical center have begun testing for their state assessments and/or national certifications, and all Winona Secondary seniors took the ACT WorkKeys Test last week. 

Operations The big news in operations is that new windows are being installed at Winona Secondary. Please ride by on Fairground Street to watch our progress. This is a transformation that you do not want to miss. Not only do the windows greatly improve the outer appearance of the building, they also look awesome from the inside.  The biggest impact will be our ability to heat and cool the building making students and staff much more comfortable in all seasons.

Spring is a busy time for extracurricular activities.  Baseball, softball, track, tennis, and archery teams are in action.  The WSS Tiger Tennis Team earned the title of District Champs. Congratulations to all tennis players and Coach Lance VanHorn.

Family and Community Support Thank you for your continued support in the fight against the spread of COVID-19.  At this time, we do not have any students or staff quarantined.  We will continue to follow our protocols for prevention by wearing masks, physically distancing, and sanitizing/disinfecting all areas and surfaces.

Health and Safety

Winona Career and Technical Center Health Sciences Classes will host a Blood Drive April14th.

Local doctors, nurse practitioners and staff from Tyler Holmes will donate their time to perform free sports physicals for WSS athletes on Thursday, April 22nd.  Please be sure to ask your child about the paperwork that will be sent home next Monday, April 12th.  All paperwork must be completed and signed prior to the day of the sports physical.  

Communications The WMCSD website is www.winonamontgomerycsd.com.  Our Facebook page is Winona-Montgomery Consolidated School District, and the email hotline is tigertalk@winonaschools.net.  We are here to answer your questions.  The next meeting of the WMCSD Board of Trustees will be Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 6:00pm in Wolfe Lab at Winona Secondary School.

Technology/Learning Management Systems We are thankful for the Chromebooks that every student has access to for learning activities.  We are looking forward to the time will all students and teachers will have access to reliable internet in their homes and are proud of the progress Mississippi is making in this area.

Stay healthy and choose joy!