Tiger with mouth open

It’s a Great Day to be a TIGER! 

Academic Programming It’s hard to believe there are about 16 weeks left in this very different school year.  Our teachers are doing a fantastic job of educating students in a challenging environment, students are doing a great job of keeping up with their work, and parents are being supportive of both teachers and students.  We know that this is difficult for everyone at times and appreciate that our families and community support our efforts to continue to educate our children in the most effective way possible.

The State Superintendent of Education has requested that 3rd graders and high school students taking subject area tests (Algebra I, Biology I, English II, and U.S. History) not be retained or kept from graduating by the state’s required scores on their end of year tests. We support this recommendation.  A great tool for keeping up with what is going on in education in Mississippi is The Parents’ Campaign.  You can check them out on their website at msparentscampaign.org.

Operations The window project at WMCSD is on schedule with the windows to be delivered in March and most of the work to be completed during the summer.  The project to put air conditioning in Knox Gym is moving forward as well.  We are excited about both projects and will share pictures as the work progresses.

Our basketball teams are having a great year!  Congratulations to the players and their coaches.  Soccer teams are doing well, and baseball, softball, tennis, and track are getting started.  Athletic events will continue to follow the guidelines and protocols required by the Governor’s Executive Orders.  We are making every effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and keep our students and employees healthy and safe.

Family and Community Support  The first meeting of the all-elected WMCSD Board of Trustees was on Tuesday, January 12th at 6:00pm in Wolfe Lab.  The Board members are President Jill White, Secretary Brandye Brannon, Nora Dunn, Katherine Hughes, and Chase DeNoon.  Mrs. White and Mrs. Brannon have 2 years of experience as school board members and Ms. Dunn has 6 months experience.  Ms. Dunn, Dr. Hughes, and Mr. DeNoon attended the MS School Boards Association training for new board members on January 15 and 16 in Jackson.  The next meeting of the WMCSD Board is Tuesday, February 9th.

Health and Safety WMCSD will continue to follow the 14-day quarantine at this time in order to protect our students and employees. We remind you that if anyone in a household tests positive, everyone who lives in the house must quarantine for 14 days.  Families should report all positive tests to the school by calling the office or emailing us at tigertalk@winonaschools.net.  Please visit the MS State Department of Health or CDC websites for more information about COVID-19 and what you can do to protect yourself and your family.

Communications The WMCSD website is www.winonamontgomerycsd.com.  Our Facebook page is Winona-Montgomery Consolidated School District, and the email hotline is tigertalk@winonaschools.net.  We are here to answer your questions.

Technology/Learning Management Systems WMCSD teachers and students are continuing to learn how to integrate technology into teaching and learning.  The 1:1 initiative provides every student with a powerful learning tool, but there is much to be learned about how to use the technology and resources on the Internet safely and effectively.

Stay healthy and choose joy!