It’s a Great Day to be a TIGER!
I will be changing my article and update from weekly to twice a month beginning this month. Please remember to visit our website and Facebook page for the most up-to-date information. Just as we have been doing all school year, COVID-19 Reports will be released weekly on Mondays at 1:30pm.
Tuesday, January 12th at 6:00pm in Wolfe Lab will be the first meeting of our newly-elected school board. We are excited about the second half of the 2020-2021 school year under their leadership.
Academic Programming Students and teachers returned to school on Monday. Report cards will be sent home on Friday, January 8th. Students will have at-home learning days on Friday, January 15th and on Friday, February 12th. Don’t forget that on Monday, January 18th WMCSD will observe MLK Day with a holiday. Students and employees will return on Tuesday, January 19th.
Operations WMCSD is pleased with the progress we’ve made with our partnership with Entegrity. All LED lighting and HVAC units have been installed. We are anxiously awaiting the replacement of all windows at Winona Secondary School. Additionally, we have received monetary incentives from Entergy for our energy-saving improvements.
Athletic events are following the guidelines and protocols required by the Governor’s Executive Order. We are making every effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and keep our students and employees healthy and safe.
Family and Community Support Thank you for your support throughout this very challenging year. Many of the decisions related to the coronavirus are difficult for us to make and for others to understand. Your leadership teams are working to learn as much as we can about preventing the spread and to provide the best educational experience possible for our students during a global pandemic.
The school setting is very structured with strict protocols and constant monitoring. We wear masks, physically distance as much as possible, wash/sanitize our hands, and sanitize/disinfect surfaces throughout the day and anytime there is a student/employee sent home with any illness. We also report accurate numbers of students and employees who have been quarantined and tested positive each Monday for the prior week.
Health and Safety WMCSD will continue to follow the 14-day quarantine at this time in order to protect our students and employees. Please visit the MS State Department of Health or CDC websites for more information about COVID-19 and what you can do to protect yourself and your family.
Communications The WMCSD website is Our Facebook page is Winona-Montgomery Consolidated School District, and the email hotline is We are here to answer your questions.
Technology/Learning Management Systems On Sunday, January 3rd it was discovered that our Internet and phone services were not working. Technology Director Wesley King contacted our provider immediately and began the process of getting a technician dispatched to the district. It was Monday afternoon before the technician arrived and that evening before our services were restored. We thank everyone for being patient as we worked through this issue.
Stay healthy and choose joy!