Tiger with mouth open

It’s a Great Day to be a TIGER! 

This is my last article for the 2020 year as WMCSD student and employees will be out of school for Christmas Holidays from December 21st through January 1st.  Everyone will return to school on Monday, January 4th.  

The plan for returning includes reporting COVID close contacts and positive test results for both employees and students.  Employees should notify their supervisor and the district contact as stated in the district’s Return to Work/School Guidelines, Policies, and Procedures handbook.  Parents of students who are close contacts or have a positive test during the holidays should not return to school on January 4, 2021, but should contact his/her child’s school.  Information will be sent home with students and posted on the district’s website on how to report. 

We are thankful for the support of our families and community.  You have been so responsive to the needs of our students and employees throughout this pandemic.  You have helped us be able to offer traditional school to our students by preventing the spread of COVID-19 in our community.  Please continue to wear your masks, physically distance as much as possible, wash your hands frequently, and not participate in large gatherings.  

 Equity and Inclusion Survey You are invited to participate in a survey about equity and inclusion in the Winona Montgomery Consolidated School District.  Our motto is “Working together, Moving forward, Creating opportunities for Student success and Dynamic futures.”  We would like for you to give us your honest opinions about how well we provide students with what they need to be successful throughout their lives whether they choose to go to college or into the workforce or military.

 The survey is designed for WMCSD students in grades 6-12, parents of students in all grades, and all district and school staff.  Please click on this link to complete the survey:  https://hanover-research.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b9DyvKOgPdu6YC1

 The survey will be open from December 3 - December 18, 2020. If you have any issues with the survey, please email mragone@hanoverresearch.com with the subject line WMCSD.  

 Stay healthy and choose joy!