Tiger with mouth open

It’s a Great Day to be a TIGER!

Students have three weeks of classes before Christmas Holidays which are December 21- January 1st.  Students need to stay focused and give their best efforts so they will finish the first semester strong.  We are very proud of our students and their efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The Tiger Football Team had a terrific season which ended with a loss this Friday to Noxubee County.  We are proud of the players and coaches for making it to the North Half State Championship!  Basketball and soccer seasons are underway.  Check our district calendar on the WMCSD website for dates and times of events.  Basketball is restricted to 2 spectators per participant. Your Tiger Basketball Boys’ Team has gotten off to an outstanding start as they are currently 5-0 on the season.

Exterior doors at both Winona Elementary and Winona Secondary have been painted which has greatly improved the look of the buildings. The panels around WCTC have been replaced, and the old bandhall behind Knox Gym has been boarded up.

In an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we continue to follow and monitor our health and safety protocols included in the Return to Work/School Procedures. Please see the Student/Parent Responsibilities listed below and ...Stay healthy and choose joy!

Student/Parent Responsibilities:

Proper Hygiene and Etiquette

  • Handwashing
  • Clean clothes each day
  • Clean face covering each day
  • Disposal of masks, tissues, and other contaminated materials
  • Self-checking for fever and other symptoms associated with Covid-19 and other contagious illnesses.



Students are required to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Self-check and document temperature before arriving at the bus stop or assigned school location.  No student should report to school with a temperature of 100.0℉ or higher.
  • Students will be required to have their temperature checked if symptoms are present.
  • Temperatures will be taken by the school nurse or other designated staff who have been trained by the school nurse.  
  • Temperatures taken by the school nurse or designee will be documented.  
  • Student confidentiality will be maintained by the school officials.



Students/Parents will be required to self-screen with these questions each day before traveling to the bus stop or assigned school location. If two or more of these symptoms or fever 100.0℉ or above are present, the parent must call their assigned contact to self-report and the student will be given instructions as to whether he/she can return to school.

School nurses and trained designees may screen students at any time.  Screenings include taking/recording temperatures and asking the following health questions: 


  • Have you been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
  • Have you been directed by a health official to quarantine?
  • Have you had any of the following symptoms in the last 48 hours?
    • Fever greater than 100.0℉
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
    • Chills
    • Repeated shaking with chills
    • Muscle pain
    • Headache
    • Sore throat
    • New loss of sense of taste or smell

Face Coverings - Masks, Neck Gaiters, Face Shields

Students will be required to follow the guidance listed below regarding masks:

  • Wear a face covering at all times including on the bus to and from school and in the classroom, restroom, hallways, outdoors, etc.  
  • Face coverings should be worn covering the nose and mouth.
  • Masks and neck gaiters should be solid in color with no logos or emblems.
  • Washable face coverings should be washed daily.
  • Disposable masks should be disposed of by placing in a garbage can as soon as you arrive at home.
  • Face shields should be worn in limited situations and are not as effective as masks.


Physical Distancing

Students are required to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • As few people as possible should be in any one area at any given time.  The smaller the area, the fewer people that should be in that area. 

  • Every person in the area should be aware of how close they are to other students and work to physically distance as much as possible.


Mandatory Reporting

Students/Families are required to report the following: 

  • Symptoms and/or positive test results for COVID-19 of student and/or anyone in the student’s household. Stay at home and notify the child’s school office immediately.

    • Parents will be asked to provide written documentation from the child’s medical provider of a positive test result or quarantine orders.

  • Contact within a 14-day period with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19.