Tiger with mouth open

It’s a Great Day to be a TIGER!

Academic Programming Parents should expect progress reports next Wednesday, November 11th.  Don’t forget you can sign up for ActiveParent to keep track of your child’s grades and attendance. Students will not attend in-person classes on Friday, November 13th.  Students will work from home so teachers can learn more about incorporating technology to improve teaching and learning.  

Operations Your Tiger basketball teams will be back in action on Thursday, November 5th.  In an effort to keep our players and fans safe at an indoor event such as this, basketball tickets are limited to two per participant.  Players have submitted the names of the people who can purchase tickets.  When purchasing a ticket at the door, you will be required to show your ID.  This procedure will be in effect for both teams. 

We hope you can join us on Friday, November 6 at TIger Stadium where we will take on Kossuth in the first round playoff game. Tickets are on sale in the high school office and are $8.00 each.  These will be available to the public beginning Thursday, November 5th.  Buy your tickets early as there are a limited number available, and there may not be any tickets for sale at the gate.

Family and Community Support WMCSD is thankful for the families of our students and our community for supporting the district and our efforts as we are “Working together, Moving forward, Creating opportunities for Student success and Dynamic futures.”  We are looking forward to working with our new school board members whose terms will begin in January 2021.

Health and Safety As of November 4th, we have 15 students and 3 employees quarantined.  Four students and one employee have tested positive.  If you have information or concerns that you would like to report, you can find the COVID-19 Reporting Form on our website.  After printing and completing the form, you may scan and email it to us or drop it off by the Superintendent’s Office. You may also send questions or concerns to us at tigertalk@winonaschools.net.   

Communications The WMCSD website is www.winonamontgomerycsd.com.  Our Facebook page is Winona-Montgomery Consolidated School District, and the email hotline is tigertalk@winonaschools.net.  We are here to answer your questions.

Technology/Learning Management Systems Winona Secondary is assigning Chromebooks to students. The student Chromebooks will be signed out to students as follows. Monday, November 2-12th Grade; Tuesday, November 3-11th Grade; Wednesday, November 4-10th Grade; Thursday, November 5-9th Grade; Monday, November 9-8th Grade;Tuesday, November 10-7th Grade, and Thursday, November 12-Make Up day for all grades 4:00-6:00. Each Day will consist of two shifts of handouts:  Last names beginning with A-L from 4:00-5:30 and last names beginning with M-Z from 5:30-7:00.  

ONE Parent/ Guardian will come with each student to check out their device.  Please DO NOT bring any additional children or adults with you to sign out day. Enter through the main door on Fairground Street and proceed down the south hallway.

Parent/Guardian & Student MUST:

1. Sign all applicable paperwork. (WMCSD Acceptable Use Policy, Student Technology Equipment Checkout Form, & Technology Equipment Agreement Form)

2. Students will be assigned a Chromebook and battery charger through the library system.

3. Students will receive a tag with their name and Patron ID to apply to the front of the Chromebook.

DEVICE CHECK UPS - Students will be responsible for bringing their Chromebooks to school each day FULLY charged.  Once per month, English teachers will have a Chromebook check up day.  Students must allow the Chromebooks to be examined and demonstrate that they are in working order.

SIGN IN - At the end of the year, Chromebooks will be returned on the final full day of classes before exams.  Students will not be allowed to take exams unless their chromebooks are returned.  Students will be called by grade to the library for chromebook sign in.

Winona Elementary sent home permission slips for personal device usage on November 4, 2020. Parents could choose to either have their children leave devices at school or take them home. Devices will remain at Winona Elementary School until teachers have taught children about device care, how to use online programs, and internet safety. Devices will not be sent home every night. Students will take devices home as needed. 

Stay healthy and choose joy!