Tiger with mouth open

On Monday, October 12, 2020, the Winona-Montgomery Consolidated School District will return to a Traditional Schedule with ALL students attending 5 full-length days per week. All health and safety protocols will remain in place such as wearing masks, washing hands, and physical distancing as much as possible. Cleaning and sanitizing will remain a priority.

The following days will be at-home learning days for all students so faculty and staff may work to improve skills in teaching and learning: October 16, November 13, and December 11.  

Scheduled Holidays will remain the same: Thanksgiving Holidays November 23-27 and Christmas Holidays December 21 - January 1.  

At-Home Learning Program Students (Virtual - Google Classroom or Edgenuity) should refer to the guidance below:

Winona Elementary School (Grades PreK-6) 

To remain a virtual student, the student must:

  • Provide the school with a physician’s report documenting a medical condition that suppresses the student’s immune system. The deadline to provide this information to the school nurse is Friday, October 9, 2020.

  • Have a computer and reliable access to the internet.

Winona Secondary School (Grades 7-12)

Students in the Edgenuity program will remain in the program through the first semester ending on December 18, 2020.  Students must remain in the program in order to gain the required Carnegie units for graduation. Parents may request for his/her student to return to face-to-face instruction beginning in January during meetings with the principal scheduled in November.

For questions or concerns, please contact your child’s school.