Beginning June 1st and continuing through July 23rd, all school and district offices will be open Monday - Thursday from 8:00am - 4:00pm. All visitors must have an appointment and wear a mask. You may also be asked health questions related to COVID-19 and/or have your temperature taken. For your convenience, our telephone numbers are:
Central Office - (662) 283-3731
Support Services - (662) 283-1000
Winona Elementary - (662) 283-4129
Winona Secondary - (662) 283-1244
Winona Career and Technical Center - (662) 283-3601
The email hotline is for any questions or concerns you would like to share with us.
WMCSD is serving meals on Mondays (2 breakfasts and 2 lunches) and Wednesdays (3 breakfasts and 2 lunches) from 10:30am - 12:00pm at Winona Elementary School at 513 Applegate Street, Winona.
All children under 18 eat free.
Children do not have to be WMCSD students to participate.
No walk ups will be allowed.
Food safety instructions will be included.
We are excited to share that WMCSD student athletes began summer workouts on Tuesday, June 2nd. The parents/guardians of our student athletes were provided with information and guidelines for how the summer program will operate. Participation is voluntary and no penalties will be incurred by student athletes who do not participate.
Don’t forget about summer learning packets that are available on the website at and for pick up at the schools. Drop off in bins in front of the school June 1-30.
We are looking forward to the day when we can be back in our classrooms teaching and learning. Until then, WMCSD students should read, write, learn something new, and get some exercise each day.
RETURNING WMCSD students will register online from June 8th - 26th.
We need parents/guardians of returning students to go ahead and create a new ActiveParent account by going to Choose the Parent Tab, click on ActiveParent, and follow the directions to create a new ActiveParent account for the 2020-2021 school year.
WMCSD offers our congratulations to the following employees on their retirement - Dr. Angela Bridges, Mrs. Debbie Gant, Mrs. Kim Hathcock, Mrs. Beryl Jones, and Mr. Frank Miller. We thank you for your dedication to the education of the students of Winona-Montgomery Consolidated School District and all the schools and districts you have served over your careers.