WMCSD COVID-19 Update from Dr. Jackson 04.15.2020
Hello, TIGERS! I hope this update finds you and your family healthy and happy. Yesterday, Governor Reeves announced that we will not return to school for the remainder of the second semester. Even though it was necessary, even expected, it is difficult to process this news.
The education of your child is very important to our teachers, administrators, staff, and board members, just as it is to you and your families. We know that you are doing your best to work on at-home learning activities to keep students in the habit of learning, and you are doing a fantastic job. Thank you, Tiger Families!
Of course, there will be much work to do when we are able to return to school. We are still working on our instructional plans which may include summer learning programs for some or all students, school beginning in July, remedial classes for struggling students, before- or after-school tutoring, and online instruction in addition to classroom teaching.
The WMCSD Board approved the promotion/retention policy at the regular board meeting on April 14, 2020. I have included that information in the next section and have added updates to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at the bottom of this update. If you have questions, please email us at tigertalk@winonaschools.net.
Final grades will be posted in ActiveParent as soon as possible. If you have a question about your child's grade, you may contact his/her teacher during the teacher's office hours that have been shared with you through SchoolStatus.
Again, THANK YOU to every TIGER big and small! It takes all of us to be successful in times such as these. We are up for the challenge! We are TIGERStrong!
Information on Assessment and Instruction During School Closure and Promotion/Retention Policy for 2019-2020 school year effective immediately due to the COVID-19 public health crisis.
- PreK and Kindergarten - The Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (post-test) will not be administered.
- Grades 3-8 - The Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP) and MAAP-Alternate will not be administered.
- Grades 9-12 - The Algebra I, Biology I, English II and U.S. History end-of-course assessments will not be administered.
- If a student is currently enrolled in one of these four classes and he or she passes the course, the student will not be required to pass the assessment for graduation.
- If a student has previously passed the course, but not the assessment, he or she will not be required to pass the assessment in order to graduate.
- Career & Technical Center - The Career Planning and Assessment System (CPAS) will not be administered.
- ELL Students - The English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) will not be administered.
Instruction During School Closure:
- Teachers will create weekly learning packets that will be posted on the district website.
- If students do not have access to digital assignments, paper packets will be available for “porch pick-up” at Winona Secondary School except when deemed unsafe by school officials, i.e. when there is a statewide stay-home order in place.
- The purpose of the digital assignments and/or paper packets is to provide students with educational opportunities while the schools are closed. Students are not required to return these assignments, and they will not negatively affect students’ grades.
- Teachers will also submit at-home learning resources each week that will be posted on the district website.
- No student will be retained in PreK.
- Students will be promoted based on mastery of all Kindergarten prerequisite skills and a score of 600 or more on STAR Early Literacy.
- Before any student is retained in kindergarten, a consensus among the parent, teacher, and administrator must be met.
First Grade
- Students who have an average of 65 or higher in reading and 60 or higher in mathematics for the first three nine weeks will be promoted to the next grade.
- If a student’s average is a 64 or below in reading or 59 or below in mathematics, a consensus among the parent, teacher, and administrator must be met in order to retain the student.
- The only subjects considered for promotion/retention are reading and mathematics.
Grades 2-6
- Students who have an average of 60 or higher in reading and mathematics for the first three nine weeks will be promoted to the next grade.
- If a student’s average is a 59 or below in reading or mathematics, a consensus among the parent, teacher, and administrator must be met in order to retain the student.
- The only subjects considered for promotion/retention are reading and mathematics.
Grades 7-8
- Students who have an average of a 60 or higher in English and mathematics for the first three nine weeks will be promoted to the next grade.
- If a student’s average falls between 45 and 59 in English and/or mathematics for the first three nine weeks, a consensus among the parent, teacher, and administrator must be met in order to retain the student.
- If a student has an average below 45 for first three nine weeks in English or mathematics, it is mathematically impossible for that student to meet the required 60 average; therefore, that student will be retained.
- The only subjects considered for promotion/retention are reading and mathematics.
Grades 9-12
- Students who have an average of 60 or higher for the year in a year-long or second-semester course taken during the 2019-20 school year will receive a Carnegie unit for the course.
- All dual credit courses have transitioned to online courses. Students enrolled in these courses must continue to complete the assignments online and meet the requirements outlined by the colleges.
- Grade Classification for 2020-21 will therefore be based on the following for promotion:
- Sophomores- 6 credits (including English I)
- Juniors- 13 Credits (Including English II)
- Seniors- 19 credits (Including English III)
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Frequently Asked Questions:
When will we go back to school?
UPDATE 04.15.2020 - We will not return to school for the second semester of the 2019-2020 school year which was scheduled to end on May 22, 2020.
Do we have to make up the days missed?
No, we are not required to make up the days.
Will we go to school in June and July?
We do not have an answer at this time. We will share information as it becomes available.
Will we have graduation?
UPDATE 04.15.2020 - Please send us your ideas by emailing us at tigertalk@winonaschools.net. Use the subject line CLASS of 2020 Graduation Ideas. We will do everything we can to celebrate our seniors and have a graduation ceremony. We do not know when or how at this time.
How will we know if we pass or fail?
UPDATE 04.15.2020 - The Board of Trustees adopted the WMCSD Promotion/Retention policy at the 04.14.2020 board meeting. Final grades will be available in ActiveParent as soon as possible. We are working with Central Access to average and post final grades.